Yau Ma Tei Fruit Market
Having been constructed in 1913, the Yau Ma Tei Fruit Market is the oldest fruit market in Hong Kong. At first, the market, then called the Government Vegetable Market. also sold vegetables and meat, but the government moved the respective stalls to the newly constructed space in Cheung Sha Wan, making the Yau Ma Tei site concentrated with fruit stalls. Although much of the fruit market’s surroundings, such as the newly-sprung residential buildings, highways and even it’s next-door neighbour, the Yau Ma Tei Theatre have undergone drastic changes, the Yau Ma Tei Fruit Market has retained its appearance and business model it had decades ago. The Fruit Market currently provides about 70% of Hong Kong’s fruit consumption needs, with 300 stalls selling fresh fruits at its peak.

Life at the Yau Ma Tei Fruit Market stirs at around 4 o’clock in the morning, when fruit from different countries is unloaded from the trucks box by box, then wheeled into the stalls by strong labour workers. If you ever visit the Yau Ma Tei Fruit Market in the morning, you might encounter some of these labour workers, but don’t try to strike up a conversation with them, or get in their way of moving the fruits into the stalls, as they have no patience when it is their busiest time of day. Much of the buyers arrive at the fruit market at around 5 o’clock to get the highest quality fruit there is, bargaining and shouting prices back and forth. Some stalls even have code words for their prices to ensure that other stores would not know what price they were selling their fruit at. Most of the selling would take place until the banks open at 9 o’clock, and this is when many shop owners go to the bank to deposit their earned money.
The Yau Ma Tei Fruit Market has once been a stronghold and headquarters for triads gangs, drugs and narcotics such as heroin and cocaine, because of all the dark and secretive alleyways the market has. It has long been regarded by locals as dangerous and shady because of this, warning their children to stay away from the market. However, the Yau Ma Tei Fruit Market now has CCTV systems lined throughout that area, with guards patrolling the area from time to time.
Although the market has been awarded a Grade II Historical Building Status by the Government, talks about the market being moved to elsewhere has been ongoing for a long time. Since the market has very unique working hours, it causes nuisance towards the local residents. In addition, the fruit in the market attracts rats and bugs, which causes local sanitation and hygiene issues. Nevertheless, the Yau Ma Tei Fruit Market still stands because many believe that it has preserved the essence of old Hong Kong, where people were friendly and open to each other - “Nowadays many people don’t even know the family name of their neighbours. But in the Yau Ma Tei Fruit Market, we all know each other, we are all friends. I can go to anyone here and easily strike up a conversation with them. This traditional community culture should not die after our generation does.”, one man had said.

Address - Junction of Waterloo Road and Reclamation Street, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon, Hong Kong
How To Get There: MTR Yau Ma Tei Exit B2